The Whys of Disrupting the Specialty Pharmacy Marketplace | PBMI 2024


Kerri Tanner, Pharm.D., the chief pharmacy officer of PayerAlly, says payers are looking for ways to rein in the escalating costs of specialty pharmacy drugs beyond the traditional techniques used by pharmacy benefit managers.

First. here is the obvious one: the rising cost of specialty drugs and their growing share of the "drug spend," although that trend has been blunted a bit by the glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) drugs.

Second, says Kerri Tanner, Pharm.D.,is a desire for new ways of controlling those costs beyond the "one set of solutions" typically used by pharmacy benefit managers such as exclusive networks, rebates and formularies.

"Now you see these new entrants to the market that are trying to disrupt and provide additional value to payers that they might not to get with an exclusive specialty network through their PBM," says the chief pharmacy of PayerAlly, a specialty pharmacy consulting firm.

Tanner gave a presentation specialty pharmacy marketplace disruptioin at the the 2024 PBMI Annual National Conference on Thursday. The conference was held in Orlando.

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