Dynamic Pricing May Help Independent Specialty Pharmacies Shut Out of Large PBM Networks | PBMI 2024


Kerri Tanner, Pharm.D., chief pharmacy officer of PayerAlly, discusses the dynamic pricing models of Waltz Health and Free Market Health as a way for independent specialty pharmacies to compete.

In a second excerpt from an interview conducted at the 2024 PBMI Annual National Conference in Orlando, Kerri Tanner, Pharm.D., chief pharmacy officer of PayerAlly, discusses how new companies are disrupting the specialty pharmacy marketplace and hope to create competition on price with large pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) specialty pharmacies.

Independent specialty pharmacies vying for business may be shut out of the specialty pharmacy networks created by the the large PBMs.

Tanner mentioned Waltz Health and Free Market Health as remedies for that situation with their business models that offer dynamic pricing, which in the case of Free Market Health takes the form of an online auction.

Specialty pharmacies "can now in a dynamic environment, whether it is through Waltz or Free Market, set their price [on a prescription], what they are willing to be paid, and try to have their own piece of the specialty marketplace, being able to dispense products that would otherwise be locked to a national specialty provider," said Tanner

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