Hotspots can be predicted by identifying areas with a large percentage of residents with chronic conditions.
Dwindling reliance on primary care physicians is burdening healthcare system and limiting care resources.
Amid considerable uncertainty in healthcare, quality care coordination is largely within your own control and can make an immensely positive impact on those you serve.
As the U.S. begins reopening, potentially sparking a “second wave” of COVID-19 cases, hospitals and health systems will need to continue operating in a state of high-stress readiness.
As the U.S. begins reopening, potentially sparking a “second wave” of COVID-19 cases, hospitals and health systems will need to continue operating in a state of high-stress readiness.
The COVID-19 pandemic is having a dramatic impact on healthcare, the global economy, and people’s daily lives. FinTech executive Monica Eaton-Cardone notes that the crisis also underscores the need to encourage women to make careers in science, technology, engineering, and math.
Three new scientific theories explaining that although autoimmune disease affects both genders, women are at an overwhelming disadvantage.
Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, or FHIR, is a long-awaited interoperability rule that will enable seamless, on-demand information exchange of clinical records among providers and data systems and will result in coordinated, cost-efficient care.
Despite everything we hear in the news lately, there is a silver lining to the Covid-19 cloud. For certain, the landscape of the Addiction Treatment Industry has changed and arguably, the old ways of doing business are no longer sustainable in this environment.
Understandably, there is a lot of nervousness around how COVID-19 is going to affect the healthcare industry-both in the near-term as well as the distant future. As the organizations that will have to take on a majority of the financial and operational burden of the COVID pandemic, providers will be hit the hardest in the short-term. As a result, a majority of relief, both at federal and local levels, can be expected to be centered around rescuing providers post-COVID.
Understandably, there is a lot of nervousness around how COVID-19 is going to affect the healthcare industry-both in the near-term as well as the distant future. As the organizations that will have to take on a majority of the financial and operational burden of the COVID pandemic, providers will be hit the hardest in the short-term. As a result, a majority of relief, both at federal and local levels, can be expected to be centered around rescuing providers post-COVID.
States are moving to curb copay accumulators as federal government pulls back from regulation.
As the pandemic enters its fourth month in the U.S., the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (the Innovation Center) has announced several changes that, on the whole, increase flexibility for program participants.