Managed Healthcare Executive® State of Industry Survey: The Mood is in the Middle

MHE PublicationMHE January 2022
Volume 32
Issue 1

Most of the respondents to our question about optimism of notable improvements in healthcare were in the mild middle.

Glass half full or empty?

We didn’t ask that question in our annual State of the Industry Survey, which we revised this year to be more forward looking.

But we did ask the respondents to rate their level of optimism about whether there will be notable improvements in American healthcare in 2022. Granted, much hinges on what you consider “notable.”

The very pessimistic outpaced the very optimistic (9% vs. 2%), perhaps reflecting the fatigue with meeting the challenges of the pandemic.

But the vast majority of the 100 respondents to the survey were in the milder middle, with 32% indicating that they were somewhat pessimistic and 29% indicating that they were somewhat optimistic. The rest (28%) rated themselves as neutral on the question.

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