2024 United States Breast Cancer Outlook


Breast cancer predictions for this year.

Invasive female breast cancer has been rising by nearly 0.6% per year since the mid-2000s, according to a recent report by the American Cancer Society. This is partly due to an overall increase in body weight in women and a change in birth patterns – women are waiting longer to have children and having fewer. The increase in cases is also slightly higher in women under 50 than those over 50 (1% per year vs. 0.5% per year) judging by data collected from 2012 to 2019.

Although breast cancer diagnoses are happening earlier, there has been a sharp decline in cases. The death rate peaked in 1989 and has declined by 42% as of 2021. This can be attributed to early detection, improved treatment and greater breast cancer awareness.

The following information was gathered from the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Facts and Figures: 2024.

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