March 5th 2025
Few question the benefits of adopting a universal healthcare data exchange standard but achieving that goal will prove to be difficult.
Going Electronic: The Optimization Blueprint for Claim Payments
August 5th 2021By enabling a more efficient, integrated process, electronic payment solutions are optimizing payment processes for payers and providers at a time when reliable, accurate and timely payments are of utmost importance to healthcare organizations.
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Let’s Not Lose Sight of Patient Experience with Virtual Care
June 9th 2021Strategies are needed that take most, if not, all of the burden away from the patient so that RPM enhances their experience with their care. Both telehealth and RPM have those elements needed to improve the patient experience, including good communication between doctors and patients and improved patient engagement.
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Leaning into Digitization to Improve Patient Satisfaction and Optimize Operations
June 8th 2021As patients become discerning consumers of healthcare, providers are focused on implementing processes and technologies that enhance the entire experience, from care delivery through to payment obligations.
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What Role Can Telehealth Play in Emergency Medicine?
May 25th 2021It is undoubtable that the role of telehealth technology has soared throughout the pandemic, achieving levels of adoption that were previously thought unattainable. However, appetites are changing drastically, the question is now; what role can telehealth play in emergency medicine?
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5 Core Beliefs Blocking Digital Transformation in Health Systems
April 29th 2021As market forces visibly disrupt healthcare (less access to cheap capital, reimbursement pressures, rising demand for services in the face of constrained supply), digitally transforming core processes is not merely an option any more.
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Today’s Effects of Telehealth When Caring for Diabetic Children
April 23rd 2021Dr. Kathleen Bethin, clinical professor, and Dr. Lucy Mastrandrea, associate professor and division chief of endocrinology/diabetes both at the Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo, spoke with Vic Baldry of Cecelia Health to discuss the challenges telehealth has created when caring for families with children who have type 1 diabetes.
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Healthcare’s Time is Now to Take Operations Virtual
March 10th 2021Kristin Ficery, who leads Accenture’s North America Health, discusses recent Accenture research that discovered since the onset of COVID-19, 60% of patients want to use technology more for their healthcare. And nine out of 10 patients said quality of care was “as good or better” than before COVID-19.
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