Health Management


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person at keyboard with the word implemetation on the screen | Image credit: ©putilov_deni
Bridging the Gap Between Innovation and Implementation in Healthcare Today

July 2nd 2024

The speed of adoption of new practices in medicine is extremely slow. We need systems to test new protocols, make sure they’re safe and effective, and get them out into the world more rapidly.

Head of L.A. Health Plan Is Retiring
Head of L.A. Health Plan Is Retiring

April 14th 2024

Common Challenges in Health Systems of Great Britain and the United States Offer Valuable Learning Opportunities
Common Challenges in Health Systems of Great Britain and the United States Offer Valuable Learning Opportunities

February 12th 2024

Debate about cost sharing in healthcare insurane | Image credit: © zenzen
The Skin-in-the-Game Debate

January 22nd 2024

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