February 22nd 2024
Research and development funding increased in 2023 but clinical trial starts fell by 15%, partly because of fewer COVID-19-related trials, according to IQVIA's worldwide report on research and development in the biopharmaceutical industry.
Docetaxel/platinum combinations are efficacious in treatment of NSCLC
January 1st 2004A regimen of docetaxel and cisplatin offers better survival and response rates than a combination of vinorelbine and cisplatin in the treatment of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer, according to a phase 3 study published in the online version of the Journal of Clinical Oncology. In addition, the findings demonstrated that docetaxel is as effective as vinorelbine/cisplatin when combined with another platinum, carboplatin.
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ALLHAT and JNC 7: Health-system applications and economic considerations
January 1st 2004New Orleans-The results of the Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatmentto Prevent Heart Attack (ALLHAT) Trial, along with the highlights of theSeventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection,Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 7), were reviewedat an educational session of the recently concluded 38th ASHP Midyear ClinicalMeeting.
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Clinical news updates from the 2003 AHA Scientific Sessions
January 1st 2004The American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions comprise the largest meeting of its kind held in the cardiovascular field, with several thousand presentations given each year. The recently concluded 2003 AHA Scientific Sessions included presentations of trials that evaluated potential therapeutic compounds, as well as widely used and accepted compounds in new dosages or combinations, for the treatment of cardiovascular disorders. The compilation of clinical news reviewed focuses on the cardiovascular pharmacotherapy trials of greatest interest to formulary decision-makers, including: VALIANT, REVERSAL, SPORTIF V, PAPABEAR, PRIMO-CABG, and CREST.
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ASHP provides tool to assess, close gaps in relation to best practices
December 9th 2003New Orleans-ASHP is launching a major new effort to help promote bestpractices in health-system pharmacy. The ASHP Best Practices Self-AssessmentTool will provide pharmacy managers with an easy-to-use instrument to identifypossible gaps in relation to best practices.
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Health-system pharmacists receive 2003 Best Practices Award
December 9th 2003New Orleans-Providing pharmacy services in nontraditional settings, implementing medication scanning technologies, and developing strategies to improve immunization rates of high-risk patients are just some of the innovations recognized by ASHP's Best Practices Award in Health-System Pharmacy.
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Medication safety research grants available to pharmacist/nurse teams
December 9th 2003New Orleans-The ASHP Research and Education Foundation is offering anew research grant program for the next 3 years focused on the partnershipbetween pharmacists and nurses in fostering a safe medication-use system.The program's goal is to strengthen the relationship between pharmacistsand nurses as they work together to provide safe care to patients. The competitivegrant program will offer $80,000 per year in funding over the next 3 yearsto research teams that investigate new design characteristics and processesin the medication-use system intended to improve medication outcomes forpatients.
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Award and grants focus on medication safety
December 9th 2003New Orleans-ASHP honored Kevin L. Roberg yesterday for his efforts toreduce medication errors in hospitals and health systems. Roberg receivedthe society's Board of Directors Award of Honor during the opening sessionof the 38th ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting.
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ASHP poster presentations encourage sharing of ideas
December 9th 2003New Orleans-The poster sessions at the 38th ASHP Midyear Clinical Meetingencourage attendees to informally discuss current projects in pharmacy practicewith colleagues. The sessions are an opportunity to gather ideas and informationfrom hundreds of successful programs implemented at other health-care systems.
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ALLHAT and JNC 7: Health-system applications and economic considerations
December 9th 2003New Orleans-The results of the Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatmentto Prevent Heart Attack (ALLHAT) Trial, along with the highlights of theSeventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection,Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 7), were presentedon Dec. 9 at an educational session of the 38th ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting.
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ASHP offers guidance on implementing HIPAA regulations
December 9th 2003Bethesda, Md.-The daily activities of health-system pharmacists are greatlyaffected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996(HIPAA). To help keep practitioners up-to-date with current regulationsand other important information, ASHP has developed an online resource centeron its website, www.ashp.org.
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Pharmacists Provider Coalition supports enhanced role of pharmacistsin Medicare drug act
December 9th 2003Bethesda, Md.-Leaders of the Pharmacists Provider Coalition say theysupport Congress' commitment to medication therapy management services forhigh-risk seniors, calling the provision "a big step forward for patientsafety."
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ASHP drug shortages resource center revamped, relaunched
December 8th 2003Bethesda, Md.--A new version of the ASHP Drug Product Shortages ManagementResource Center is now available to members and other health-care professionalswho need up-to-date, accurate information on alternatives for drug productsthat are in short supply.
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ASHP offers strategies to protect against counterfeit drugs
December 8th 2003Bethesda, Md.--Health-system pharmacists now have a resource to aid theirongoing efforts to ensure the integrity of drug products. ASHP has developedstrategies that practitioners should follow to help prevent the acquisitionof counterfeit drugs.
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Federal funding preserved for hospital pharmacy residencies
December 8th 2003Washington, DC-In a victory for Medicare patients, the Centers for Medicareand Medicaid Services (CMS) has decided to continue contributing directlyto the funding of pharmacy residency training in hospitals. The regulationaddresses CMS's annual payment rates for the Hospital Inpatient ProspectivePayment System for fiscal year 2004 that began on October 1.
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Bethesda, Md.--The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP)endorses the new Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and ModernizationAct passed in late November. ASHP leaders say this legislation takes animportant step forward, adding prescription drug coverage to the Medicareprogram and giving high-risk elderly patients new access to vital medicationtherapy management services.
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JCAHO plans to assess accredited organizations on National PatientSafety Goals
December 8th 2003Rockville, Md.--As of January 1, 2004, all JCAHO-accredited organizations(hospitals and health-care facilities) will be assessed to ensure that theyare implementing JCAHO's National Patients Safety Goals. New goalsare set annually in July and take effect January 1 of the following year.
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USP's hospital medication error report supports key patient safety goals
December 8th 2003New Orleans, La.--The most recent report compiled by the United StatesPharmacopeia (USP) found that high-alert medications have continued to harmhospitalized patients, according to Diane D. Cousins (pictured at left),RPh, vice president of USP's Center for the Advancement of Patient Safety.Cousins announced the results of the MEDMARX report, based on data from2002, at a press conference at the 38th ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting.
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Exhibit Hall opens for business
December 8th 2003New Orleans, La.--The ASHP Midyear Meeting's Exhibit Hall is the largest program of its kind and one of the most popular features of the meeting. The exhibits provide opportunities for networking and learning more about the latest products, services, and technologies in the pharmaceutical industry.
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ASHP sets goals for pharmacy 2015 project
December 7th 2003BETHESDA, MD-The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists' landmarkinitiative to help make medication use more effective, scientific, and safeand to significantly improve the practice of pharmacy in hospitals and healthsystems is off to a strong start.
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Your guide to dining in New Orleans
December 6th 2003Have no reservations about choosing to dine in the Big Easy. The following suggestions will help get you started in choosing destinations for lunch near the Morial Convention Center, dinners out on the town, and pubs, bars, or clubs for after-hours entertainment.
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Schedule of Events for Thursday, December 11, 2003.Please note that this schedule was based on preliminary information from ASHP and could be subject to change; please refer to the final ASHP schedule available at the meeting for verification and exact times/locations of sessions.
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Schedule of Events for Monday, December 8, 2003.Please note that this schedule was based on preliminary information from ASHP and could be subject to change; please refer to the final ASHP schedule available at the meeting for verification and exact times/locations of sessions.
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James E. Orlikoff (pictured at right), an expert in health-care governance,organizational development, and leadership quality, will be the keynotespeaker during the meeting's Opening General Session that takes place from9 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 8, in Hall D. He is president of Orlikoffand Associates, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in health-care governanceand leadership quality, organizational development, strategy, and risk management.He is the National Advisor on Governance and Leadership to the AmericanHospital Association and Health Forum.
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