Use of HEOR data in formulary decision-making expected to increase


Individuals involved in formulary decision-making processes at US health plans were surveyed to determine their current and future use of health economic and outcomes research.

Key Points

As allocation of resources becomes more scarce for healthcare, pharmaceuticals in particular are subject to increased scrutiny prior to being made available to health plan members, according to one expert.

"Value, or cost per benefit, need to be determined versus currently available alternatives," said Diana Brixner, PhD, RPh, professor and chair, department of pharmacotherapy and executive director of the Outcomes Research Center at the University of Utah, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Salt Lake City. "Health economics and outcomes research is conducted to produce scientific literature to support these decisions, however, is not always used by the health plan in making access decisions."

Dr Brixner facilitated a survey of individuals involved in formulary decision-making processes at US health plans to determine their current and future use of health economic and outcomes research (HEOR).

Key results included:

The 2 greatest obstacles expected when outcomes data are used in the formulary decision-making process are duration of time to see/evaluate the outcome and unquestionable end points, according to Dr Brixner, who presented this research during the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy's 2010 Educational Conference in St. Louis.

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