Members of Congress began to roll out bi-partisan legislation.
WASHINGTON, D.C.-Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt recently announced his support for public and private investment in information technology that can reduce medical errors, lower costs and improve care. The occasion was the Business Roundtable's CEO Health Care Summit, where Leavitt and Treasury Secretary John Snow discussed how rising healthcare costs are weakening the global competitiveness of U.S. companies.
At the same time, members of Congress began to roll out bi-partisan legislation to accelerate HIT development. Most notably, Sen. Hilary Clinton (D-N.Y.) and former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) announced support for House legislation offering grants to fund regional health information organizations that facilitate transfer of patient information among healthcare providers. Clinton says she plans to introduce legislation to build on this measure.
PUSH FROM MEDICARE Meanwhile, CMS is working hard to establish an electronic prescribing system before a 2009 implementation deadline. The agency has published a proposed rule for establishing basic e-prescribing standards, which it hopes to finalize by next year. CMS also plans to launch several e-prescribing pilot projects in January 2006 in order to implement a follow-on set of higher-level clinical standards.
Social media: ROI for health plans?
January 22nd 2015According to the research firm Gartner, Inc., information technology is subject to a five-phase acceptance cycle: a Technology Trigger, Peak of Inflated Expectations, Trough of Disillusionment, Slope of Enlightenment, and Plateau of Productivity. Even zealous advocates of social media marketing (SMM) admit their craft is currently stuck in the disillusionment phase.
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