Sachin Jain Calls for Leadership Overhaul to Simplify U.S. Healthcare System | AHIP 2024


In an interview prior to the AHIP 2024 conference in Las Vegas, MHE spoke with Sachin H. Jain, M.D.,MBA, CEO, SCAN Group and SCAN Health Plan, about the need to reimagine U.S. healthcare, emphasizing a leadership crisis.

The interview was edited for clarity.

In an interview prior to the AHIP 2024 conference in Las Vegas, MHE spoke with Sachin H. Jain, M.D.,MBA, CEO, SCAN Group and SCAN Health Plan,
about the need to reimagine U.S. healthcare, emphasizing a leadership crisis.

Jain criticized the current system for being overly complex and for leaders who prioritize financial success over performance improvements.

"We have to stop normalizing the abnormal, and that's the starting point for us to really reimagine healthcare," he added.

He called for a self-reflective approach to simplify healthcare and reduce the industry's tendency to point fingers at various stakeholders.

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