From the 67th annual scientific sessions of the American Diabetes Association: Exenatide associated with sustained blood glucose control, weight loss after 3 years of treatment


An open-label extension study of exenatide demonstrated sustained blood glucose control and weight loss in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Key Points

An open-label extension study of exenatide demonstrated sustained blood glucose control and weight loss in patients with type 2 diabetes, said John Buse, MD, chief, Division of General Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Previously announced 2-year data collected during the extension phase of the trial demonstrated a –1.1% decrease in HbA1c levels and a –4.7-kg decline in body weight from baseline among patients randomized to exenatide. Both postprandial glucose and fasting plasma glucose levels were reduced with use of exenatide.

"Eighty-four percent of 3-year completers experienced weight reduction," Dr Buse said. "Sixty-eight percent both lost weight and had a reduction in [Hb]A1c."

A subgroup analysis demonstrated a 17% improvement in homeostasis model assessment-B (HOMA-B), a surrogate of beta-cell function, from baseline to 3 years, Dr. Buse said.

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