How Machine Learning Is Revolutionizing Healthcare
No longer a pipe dream, AI is already in use. Here are two real-world examples of machine learning in healthcare.
The Latest Autoimmune Disease Treatment Advances
A look at recent developments in treatment and the cost implications of various autoimmune diseases.
3 Benefits of E-Prescribing
How the digitalization of pharmacy is transforming patient care.
Why Executive Compensation Drives Value-Based Care Transitions
As healthcare struggles to make the switch to value-driven models, why effective executive compensation plans could be the way forward.
Value-Based Care: Lessons Learned
We spoke with Cleveland Clinic’s chief managed care officer about the lessons he’s learned over the years about the transition to value-based care models.
The First Hep C Value-Based Bundled Payment Plan
Care1st Health Plan Arizona recently unveiled what it calls the first-ever U.S. Medicaid value-based agreement for hep C treatment. Here’s why they say other plans should take notice.
The Impact of a Hospital Post-Acute Care Program on Value-Based Care
Medicare’s Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced (BPCI-A) model continues to incentivize value-based care.
Featured Exec Joe Swedish: Partner and Co-founder of Concord Health Partners
With more than four decades in healthcare, Joe Swedish has started a private equity firm aimed at improving healthcare.
Peptic Ulcer Disease Drug Pipeline: What You Need to Know
The current and future treatments for the $10 billion condition.
How Healthcare Executive Compensation Is Impacted by Value-Based Payments
The future of executive compensation at managed care organizations will be based on incentives.
Do New Executive Healthcare Roles Make Sense?
With the push to value-based care, C-suites are adding new roles to foster innovation. What are those new roles, and are they working?
Driving Value-Based Care as a Health System
Why health systems need to move toward full-risk or capitation models.
Five Ways to Treat Chronically Ill Patients
Here are five surprising ways to tailor experiences so patients adopt healthier behaviors when faced with chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and COPD.